Jisung Yoon is an Assistant Professor at KDI School of Public Policy and Management. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Kellogg School of Management and NICO, working with Professor Hyejin Youn. His primary research areas include computational social science, the science of science, and the application of AI/ML in public policy. His research leverages the abundant digital traces of humans through machine learning methods and aims to unlock the full potential of the combination of machine learning and social science. His recent work concentrates on unraveling the intricacies of bureaucracy and coordination mechanisms to gain insights into the regulatory functions within a wide range of systems.
PhD in Industrial and Mangement Engineering, 2022
Pohang University of Science and Technology
BS in Industrial and Mangement Engineering, 2016
Pohang University of Science and Technology
We show that the word embedding technique word2vec is mathematically equivalent to the gravity law of mobility, making it ideal for learning dense representations from migration data that can be distributed, re-used, and studied. By treating locations analogously to words and trajectories to sentences,we demonstrate the power of word2vec by applying it to the case of scientists’ migrations, for which it encodes information about culture, geography, and prestige at multiple layers of granularity. Our results lay a theoretical and methodological foundation for the application of neural embeddings to the study of migration.
In the 21st century, humans acquire and exchange knowledge primarily through language usage, with the emergence of information technology breaking down geographical barriers. A study using Wikipedia, a vast dataset, explores how knowledge diffusion occurs. It finds that when population groups have more socio-economic connections, like cultural and linguistic ties, their shared knowledge is more similar. Geographical proximity is no longer crucial for knowledge dissemination, and the dominant channel for information distribution in the 21st century appears to be online.